Monday, February 26, 2007

GUS'S LAST HURRAH......................

Yup.....Gusto is going to finish his "stretch" on this piece of spinning dirt at Casa de Bubba. We adopted him from HAWS and brought him home today. He was found as a stray and was not claimed. Gus is O.L.D. old. They guess around 12, but I would say he's closer to my age. He had to have been a great friend to someone for a long time, but nobody came callin' for him. They tell us there many reasons why people would abandon an old dog with his best years far behind him, but whatever the reason...... Gus got screwed bigtime. So we will just spoil the shit out of him for whatever time he has left (hopefully more...maybe less).

Jack seems really cool with the whole thing, but I'm sure that's in part because he doesn't have to worry about losing any foot-races to a fresh stack of cat crap in the litter box. Hell....he might even share.

Friday, February 23, 2007

BIG STORM??.........................................

How cool would it be to blast around on one of these this weekend?

I think they are a bit pricy, and I wonder how much use you would really get out of it.

Pretty interesting bike though.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I found this on the web while searching for something to jumpstart this CRAP that my blog has become. Type in "dork" "images" and presto..........

So, he finds the glasses I busted last Saturday, throws some dye in his mop, and gets a part-time job at Copps serving burgers and thinks he's under cover.

I wouldn't mind a new Waterford either, but geeez...........

So next time you go to Copps for a sundae or bannana split, look him up. I'd do it myself, but I've been hitting Coldstone hard lately......really hard.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Sunday, February 18, 2007

MEGATRON'S FIRST BIKE......................

I have access to a scanner now, and have challenged my brothers and my Ma to find the most embarrassing photos of the creeps they can.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Last week when Russell busted his sheeeet on that low branch I remember saying to myself " I better take that down before somebody important gets hurt" Well....I forgot and sure enough, somebody important got hurt. Me.

No, I didn't break any teeth like he did, but that is most likely because my mouth was closed when I hit it. I do have a pretty stiff neck though. It hurts to even eat, but you can bet I'll find a way.
I plan to treat my stiff neck the same as I treat a stiff.....................Ya know, It kinda sucks that my kids and some of their friends read this lame blog. You would think they have better things to do.
NOT AS PRETTY AS I ONCE WAS.....................................................................

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ITALIAN VALENTINE............................

Screw Valentine's day..................

I really don't mean to offend anyone, but I am a good son, husband, dad, friend, etc. exactly 13 days per year and DAMNIT...I'm going to pick which 13 days. ........not Hallmark or FTD.

End rant.

Oh....By the way I will be taking my family out for Mexican tonight. If I must blow my hard earned cash on an over-commercialized holiday, I'm gonna get a plate of enchilladas out if it.....that's for sure.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

SHEBOYGAN 06..........................

Speed guaranteed..

I call this one.... Double-mint commercial gone terribly wrong??

Tosa-cross-dresser made a rare showing.

The SS ate her up that day.

Looks like an old guy pulling a couple young guys.

I call this one .....Winner?..Loser?.....Take your pick.

Extreme Rig addiction.....Why does mine look noticeably cooler than the others??

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Things are really boring lately. Bored at work, bored at home, even bored reading blogs. No offense, and all due respect, but it's just a bad time of year to have a blog with a spin on cycling unless you do BMX.

I've always been a fan of Iggy Pop. In 1977 The Idiot Tour was launched with (remember who??) on keyboards. I was 13 years old and thought Rock and Roll had hit it's pinacle. They actually played the Oriental Theater in 77. I was not in attendance.............drag.

What were you listening to at age 13??

Monday, February 05, 2007



Is that the best the NFL has to offer?? Fer-crissakes this was more entertaining. You would think the Bears would have put on a better show (being The Monsters of Midway and all). Well..... Midway through the 1st quarter, this monster took his advice and headed for the snacks.

Speaking of lame.....Did you ever go back and re-read your blog??? Rarely does one put together a string of good posts. There are always lame ones mixed in to keep to keep a guy (or gal) humble. I thought I had a pretty good September 2006, but turns out it wasn't even really that good.

Friday, February 02, 2007

CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL PICTURE DAY..........................

Get over it boys and girls. Your going to have to deal with him for a while yet.

And do yourselves a favor.......Hide your lunch money.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

ALL DUDS AT THE BARN.........................................

Not the clan.......but my pictures. This is about the only decent one I got all night. In my defense, I've heard people say it's tough to get good shots in there.

There's one in every crowd.